Our Mission:
Leading People Into A Transforming Relationship With Jesus Christ.
We Value…
1. Radical Faith
We believe that radical faith will always produce radical change.
Scriptural Anchor: Acts 2:38-42, James 2:14-26, 2 Corinthians 13:5-11
How do we reflect this in our organization?
  • Always humbly examining ourselves and changing the way we think and act.
  • Anchoring our lifestyle in Apostolic doctrine, spirit-filled living, biblical holiness.
  • Reaching for life- change – applying the scriptures to every area of our life.
  • Boldly sharing our faith in corporate and personal evangelism.
2. Relentless Growth
We believe that growing people persistently add values to others, strengthen the church and live in victory.
Scriptural Anchor: 2 Peter 1:5-10; James 1:21-25
How do we reflect this in our organization?
  • Commitment to actively taking part in and adding value to others in group life.
  • Breaking out of the comfort zone of performing and working only in areas in which we are accustomed.
  • Develop a lifestyle of daily scripture reading, reflection, memorization and application.
  • Being on-mission 24/7: Always humble, teachable, and available for the work of the ministry and building up of the body.
      • Ephesians 4:11-16
3. Fearless Vision
We believe that we should be in fearless pursuit of the vision that God has given us.
Scriptural Anchor: Habakkuk 2:2-3
How do we reflect this in our organization?
-Asking ourselves, is this dream big enough? Does this require faith that is bold enough?
-Embracing change instead of hiding in the false security of status quo.
-Constantly, Looking for ways to do it better or make it better.
-Thinking big in every meeting, program and service, taking risks that bring Glory to God and advance the mission and vision of ALOC
-Redefining failure as an opportunity to learn and improve.
4. Abundant Life
We believe that when a person finds God they discover the secret to an abundant, purpose filled life.
Scriptural Anchor: Isaiah 43:18-19, Luke 15:10
How do we reflect this in our organization?
  • Encouraging people to become members of God’s family and celebrating when they do.
  • Celebrating people getting baptized and receiving the Holy Spirit.
  • Encouraging and celebrating people for their faithfulness.
  • Celebrating people discovering their God-given purpose and living it out.
  • Encouraging and celebrating an attitude of generosity.
5. Passionate Teamwork
As a team, each member has a role to play. We believe that each member should use their unique gifts and talents to advance the mission and vision of ALOC.
Scriptural Anchor: Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12:13-31
How do we reflect this in our organization?
-Uncompromising excellence, doing all things as an act of worship to the Glory of God.
-Always giving our best, doing our best and being our best.
-Prioritizing time and resources to ensure that our leaders (and teammates) are constantly learning.
-Holding each other accountable for preserving unity and focusing on result oriented performance.
-Everyone devoted to serving somewhere in the ministry.
-Every individual using their unique gifts, talents and abilities to connect people to the mission and vision of ALOC.
-Everyone passionately committed to building a cohesive, productive team culture at every level of ministry.